Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I'm checking out for a good week or so as I have alot of projects to finish up and baking to do. I have 4 more sleeps with my kids before they leave to spend Christmas with their dad who is visiting from India. Time is precious. And I really want my children to feel the magic of Christmas and have fond memories of a sane mother who participated in their lives rather than a stressed out woman who was trying so hard to make everything perfect for them that she did not stop to enjoy all those millions of moments of joy involved in sharing a life with them. That's fucked. So bye for now blog, and sorry there will be no Christmas card electronic or otherwise this year, and that I'm not baking 12 different types of cookies and sewing all my wrapping, or creating half the things I wanted to make for gifts, nor replacing our ghastly stockings with gorgeous handmade beauties, but that's OK, (actually it's driving me crazy but I'm breathing through it). What am I teaching my kids about the true meaning of Christmas if I am so caught up in the whirlwind of my self-constructed idea of having everything perfect? Inhale...exhale...inhale...

I leave you with a bit of a photo essay (if a photo essay can be 3 pics..!), of what the last few days have held. I wish you a safe a beautiful holiday. Be back next year (if I can stay away). Always love.


  1. Merry Christmas and HAppy New Year Karie! Hope you have an awesome holiday with your gorgeous kids.

  2. Merry Christmas Karie! Enjoy this special time with your littles!!! :)

  3. Merry Christmas! Thinking of you from all the way over here in aust!

  4. Hope you guys had a merry one. All the best for 2011! xx
